Preliminary participants list (updated Oct 03, 2014)

Attention! This list has been made using automatic translation. Names may be misspelled.

Type of business
1Alekseev-Sokolov Yuri World of StrawCompost; UKRAINE
2Alex Belinsky PKF Valentine Co. Ltd. Mushrooms; UKRAINE
3Alexander Datsenko Kvity Service Ltd. Mushrooms; UKRAINE
4Alexander Golovin PE Alexander Golovin Mushrooms; UKRAINE
5Alexander Khrenov Mushroom School Other; RUSSIA
6Anastasia Lelet Ukrainian Pecheritsa Ltd. mushroom; UKRAINE
7Andrew Shabatin Umdis Other UKRAINE
8Andrianov Paul Nektar-S Mushrooms; MOLDOVA
9Artem Kovalenko VKZ Mushrooms; UKRAINE
10Bahlukov Dmitry EsMash Oyster; UKRAINE
11Bandura Irina Tavriyskiy State University Oyster; UKRAINE
12Bisko Nina Anatolievna Institute of Botany name.Holodnogo Scientific research. organisation .; UKRAINE
13Bobrowski Yuri Dinbo Ltd. Mushrooms; UKRAINE
14Bogdan KowalskiPE Kovalsky Mushrooms; UKRAINE
15Borozenets Anatoly PE Borozenets Mushrooms; UKRAINE
16Bortsova Elena Pavlovna PE Bortsova Mushrooms; UKRAINE
17Butyrin Nicholas Veres Mushrooms; UKRAINE
18Chernobaev Maxim PE ChernobaevOyster; UKRAINE
19Chernobaev Victor PE Chernobaev Oyster; UKRAINE
20Chernous Dmitry Druidi Oyster; compost; UKRAINE
21Chuprina Jaroslav Gribnoe delo Oyster; UKRAINE
22Magdalena Janczuk- Robionek Champion Group Equipment; POLAND
23Dariusz Ivanovski (Dariusz Iwanowski) Wokas Casing; POLAND
24Dashtoyan Lily Karenovna DP-Grikar A.P.S. Ltd. Mushrooms; UKRAINE
25Davydenko, Nikolay Ivanovich World of StrawCompost; UKRAINE
26Denis Grabov PE Grabov Oyster; UKRAINE
27Dmytro Vasily Ivano-Frankivsk Peat Ltd. Casing; UKRAINE
28Domnich Anton Veres Mushrooms; UKRAINE
29Dosin Angelica European Centre for Quality Management and Food Hygiene "Lily" Other; UKRAINE
30Dubchak Constantin PE Dubchak Mushrooms; UKRAINE
31Dubova Natalia Mikogen Ukraine Compost; UKRAINE
32Dzhunusaliyeva Marina Geleka-M Ltd. Mushrooms; UKRAINE
33Edward Kucharski PE Kuharsky Mushrooms; UKRAINE
34Eremenko Valery Breeze LLC Mushrooms; UKRAINE
35Ermolenko Yuri PKF Valentina Ltd. Mushrooms; UKRAINE
36Eugene Wisniewski World of StrawCompost; UKRAINE
37Eysmond Vladimir PE Eysmond Mushrooms; UKRAINE
38Fakhrutdinova Farida Mikogen Compost; UKRAINE
39Frederic Mathieu) Euromycel SAS Mycelium; FRANCE
40Galina PE DzerkalMushrooms; UKRAINE
41Ganulyak Bogdan PE Ganulyak Mushrooms; UKRAINE
42Garjachiy Yuri PE Garjachiy Mushrooms; UKRAINE
43Gerasimenko NatalyaGeoservis-KCasing soil; UKRAINE
44Gnibeda Natalia VKZ Mushrooms; UKRAINE
45Golovina Ludmila Group SGSOther; UKRAINE
46Golovnich Ivan PE Golovnich Ivan Mushrooms; UKRAINE
47Gorbach Anton PE Gorbach Anton Mushrooms; UKRAINE
48Gorodiska Lyudmila Kazemirovna PE GorodiskaMushrooms; UKRAINE
49Grabar Vasily Fiord TOV Mushrooms; UKRAINE
50Grabarchuk Alla PKF Valentina Ltd. Mushrooms; UKRAINE
51Grabovetsky Jaroslaw PE Sadovsky Mushrooms; UKRAINE
52Gurzhiy Viktor Mushroom house LLS Oyster; Consultation; UKRAINE
53Henk Douven Dofra / Hedonk Equipment; NETHERLANDS
54Hubert Hay Amycel SARL Mycelium; FRANCE
55Igor Kushnir Gravіna LLC Mushrooms; UKRAINE
56Ilchuk Michael Yablunivsky industrial complex (YAVK) mushroom; UKRAINE
57Ivanchin Vladimir RIO-Champignon Mushrooms; UKRAINE
58Ivanov Alexander PE (Svit Pecherits) Mushroom; UKRAINE
59Ivanova Larisa PE (Svit Pecherits) Mushroom; UKRAINE
60Jablonsky Tatiana Organic farm Mushrooms; UKRAINE
61Jacek Victor EkoNiva TOV Mushrooms; UKRAINE
62Jakub Piasek Holpol Compost Compost; POLAND
63John Clay (John Clay) Amycel SARL Mycelium; FRANCE
64Joris Rudy Holpol Compost Compost; POLAND
65Julia Vishtachenko PE Vishtachenko Trade; UKRAINE
66Kalitenko Oleg Veres Mushroom; UKRAINE
67Kanja Marjan PE Kanja Mushrooms; UKRAINE
68Kanja Nelia PE Kanja Mushrooms; UKRAINE
69Kanіschev Viktor PE Kanіschev Mushrooms; UKRAINE
70Kazmiruk Leonid Poliana Ltd. Mushrooms; UKRAINE
71Kazmiruk Vasily Petrovich PE KazmirukMushrooms; UKRAINE
72Klibansky Victor Sphagnum-Group LLC Casing; UKRAINE
73Kozantsev Valery PE Kozantsev Mushrooms; UKRAINE
74Kozir Roman Uman mushroom Company Oyster; UKRAINE
75Krivoruchko Inna Uman mushroom Company Oyster; UKRAINE
76Kurnikov Dmitry PE Kurnikov Dmitry Mushrooms; UKRAINE
77Kuz'minskiy Alexander PE Kuz'minskiy Alexander Casing; UKRAINE
78Kyrylyuk Semion PE Kyrylyuk Mushrooms; UKRAINE
79Lelet Nikolai Vasilyevich Ukrainian Pecheritsa Ltd. mushroom; UKRAINE
80Lesya Pugach Leader-AgroCanning; UKRAINE
81Liventsev Vladimir Kaluga substrate Oyster; Substrate; RUSSIA
82Ljashenko Yuri PE Gorbach Mushrooms; UKRAINE
83Lomberg Margarita Institute of Botany Name.Holodnogo Scientific research. organis; UKRAINE
84Lopatko Oksana Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Gov. organisation UKRAINE
85Lysensky Denis PE TovstenkoMushrooms; UKRAINE
86Lysyuk Basil PE LysyukMushrooms; UKRAINE
87Maidanova Oksana Eko-Market Retail; UKRAINE
88Makar Maxim Veres Mushrooms; UKRAINE
89Maksimtsev Vladimir ItalGrib Ltd. Equipment; UKRAINE
90Malanyuk Yuri PE MalanyukMushrooms; UKRAINE
91Malenko Alexander PE MalenkoMushrooms; UKRAINE
92Marchenko Artyom PE Marchenko Mushrooms; UKRAINE
93Marianne Datskiv-Gerard Euromycel SAS Mycelium; FRANCE
94Matviets Artem PE MatvietcMushrooms; UKRAINE
95Maxim Yenchenko Umdis Other ; UKRAINE
96Melnik Nadiya Fortex Ltd. Mushrooms; UKRAINE
97Michael Barth E-Nema GmbH Chemicals and plant protection; GERMANY
98Michael Turchin Borovik Ltd. Mushrooms; UKRAINE
99Michaelovskiy Alexei PE Michailovsky Exotic; UKRAINE
100Michal Maslanka Ukraine Compost; UKRAINE
101Mikhail Mikhailovskoe plus Oyster; UKRAINE
102Miroslav Zagorski Mikogen Compost; UKRAINE
103Mulyarchuk Alexander PE (Svit Pecheritsa) mushroom; UKRAINE
104Musica Ekaterina Geleka-M Ltd. Mushrooms; UKRAINE
105Musica Igor Geleka-M Ltd. Mushrooms; UKRAINE
106Muzichenko PE Muzichenko Mushrooms; UKRAINE
107Nadvinichny Oleg PE NadvinichnyMushrooms; UKRAINE
108Nawrocki Rafal Mikogen Compost; UKRAINE
109Nazar Glyva-Striy , Ltd. Oyster; UKRAINE
110Nazar Igor RIO Mushrooms LLC Mushrooms; UKRAINE
111Nelu Popu PE Compost; Mushrooms; MOLDOVA
112Nikodem Saxon Nikodem Saxon Consultations; POLAND
113Nikolai Vasilyevich EkoNiva LLC Mushrooms; UKRAINE
114Obolonnik Ivan Biosphere Ltd. Casing; UKRAINE
115Odnosum Sergey Veres mushroom; UKRAINE
116Oleg Zakharov PE Zakharov Mushrooms; UKRAINE
117Oliynik Ivan Podillja Mushrooms LLC Oyster; UKRAINE
118Omelchenko Alexander PE Omelchenko Mushrooms; UKRAINE
119Omelyanenko Evgeny PE Omelyanenko Mushrooms; UKRAINE
120Padalka Oksana Noosphere Agro Ltd. Oyster; UKRAINE
121Padalka Yuri Noosphere Agro Ltd. Oyster; UKRAINE
122Pahalchuk Valery "Our mushroom" Mushrooms; UKRAINE
123Paul Kareli PE Kareli Mushrooms; UKRAINE
124Perepichka Maxim VentEkspert LLC Equipment; UKRAINE
125Peretyatko Vladimir PE Peretyatko Mushrooms; UKRAINE
126Petruk PE Petruk Mushrooms; UKRAINE
127Pichkurov Ivan PE Pichkurov Mushrooms; MOLDOVA
128Podkovyrin Alexander B. Flora Ltd. Mushrooms; UKRAINE
129Pogorelyi Alexander PE Pogorelyi Alexander Mushrooms; UKRAINE
130Popeliukh Sergey Eko-mushroom, LLC Oyster; UKRAINE
131Poturnak Viktor PE PoturnakMushrooms; UKRAINE
132Povetkin Anna Mushroom School Other; RUSSIA
133Prishchenko Andrew PE PrishchenkoMushrooms; UKRAINE
134Roman Kuz PE Kuz Roman Casing; UKRAINE
135Rudenko Nikolai PE Rudenko Oyster; UKRAINE
136Salovsky Eugene PE Salovsky Mushrooms; UKRAINE
137Salovsky Yaroslav PE Salovsky Mushrooms; UKRAINE
138Sevastyanovich Vitaly Gribnoy Doctor Oyster; UKRAINE
139Shaenko Denis PE ShaenkoMushrooms; UKRAINE
140Shcherbatov Pavel PE Shcherbatov Mushrooms; UKRAINE
141Shepel Nikolai PE Shepel Mushrooms; UKRAINE
142Sholudko Valentin PE Sholudko Mushrooms; UKRAINE
143Shuber Leonid Agrotet Ltd. Mushrooms; UKRAINE
144Shust Sergey PE Shust Mushrooms; UKRAINE
145Shuty Oleg PE Shuty Mushrooms; UKRAINE
146Shvets Oksana World of StrawCompost; UKRAINE
147Sidoruk Natalia Ministry of Economic Development and Trade Other; UKRAINE
148Sidoryuk Oleg Veres mushroom; UKRAINE
149Sitichenko Ruslan PE Sitnichenko Mushrooms; UKRAINE
150Sitnichenko Victoria PE SitnichenkoMushrooms; UKRAINE
151Sorka Bogdan PE Primyak Mushrooms; UKRAINE
152Stankevich Ruslan PE Stankevich Mushrooms; UKRAINE
153Starodubov Vitaly ATB Market LLC Retail; UKRAINE
154Stepanenko Anatoly FOP Stepanenko Mushrooms; UKRAINE
155Stepanenko Tatiana FOP Stepanenko Mushrooms; UKRAINE
156Stolper Roman Agaricus LLC Mushrooms; UKRAINE
157Strelok Renata PKF Valentina Ltd. Mushrooms; UKRAINE
158Sushentsov Oleg PE Fuchkina Mushrooms; UKRAINE
159Suslovets Irina PE Suslovets Irina Mushrooms; UKRAINE
160Swedov Sergey Fozzy Ltd., Retail; UKRAINE
161Tabacaru Basil Amycel SARL Mycelium; FRANCE
162Taras PE Taras Mushrooms; UKRAINE
163Taras Bilyk Champion Group Equipment; POLAND
164Tatyana Markova PE Markova Mushrooms; UKRAINE
165Tovstenko Alain PE Taras Mushrooms; UKRAINE
166Tovstenko Bogdan Sylvan Mushrooms; UKRAINE
167Tovstenko Tatiana Organic-Mushroom Ltd. Mushrooms; UKRAINE
168Tsiz Alexander National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Science; UKRAINE
169Turchin Miron Borovik Ltd. Mushrooms; UKRAINE
170Turchin Nikolai PE TurchinMushrooms; UKRAINE
171Tushevsky Vyacheslav PE Tushevsky Vyacheslav Mushrooms; UKRAINE
172Tzimbalist Mariana Veres Mushrooms; UKRAINE
173Uryasev Alexander Druidi Oyster; compost; UKRAINE
174Usatiy Andrew PE UsatiyMushroom; UKRAINE
175Vascul Boris PE Vaskul Boris Mushrooms; UKRAINE
176Vasily Eremenko Veres Mushroom; UKRAINE
177Viktor Klimenko Sylvan Mushrooms; UKRAINE
178Viktor Pinchuk PE Pinchuk Mushrooms; UKRAINE
179Vishtachenko Alexey PE VishtachenkoTrade; UKRAINE
180Vladislav Bakalyar Petrutsalek LLC Equipment; UKRAINE
181Vorontsov, Ilya Kaluga substrate Oyster; compost; RUSSIA
182Voycheshuk Arthur Wokas Casing; POLAND
183Vyatokha Vladimir PE Vyatokha Vladimir Mushrooms; UKRAINE
184Yaroshevich Inna PE Yaroshevich Mushrooms; UKRAINE
185Yemets Galina Noosfera LTD LLC Oyster; UKRAINE
186Yemets NicholayNoosfera LTD LLC Oyster; UKRAINE
187Zagoruiko Alexander PE Zagoruiko Mushrooms; UKRAINE
188Zhelezniakov Boris Na Veka LLC Other; UKRAINE
189Zvarych Ivan Tomash LLC Mushrooms; UKRAINE
190Bart de LeeuwMC substraddSupplements;FRANCE
191Peter GabrisSylvanMycelium;HUNGARY
192Fedjay LudmilaPE PopletaMycelium;UKRAINE
193Davidov AlekseyMiko-FoodMushrooms;UKRAINE
194Agniezka BzhegovyACP POLSKA SPOLKA Z O.O.Equipment;POLAND
195Yarmola VladimirACP UKRAINA LLCEquipment;UKRAINE